Sunday 6 March 2011

Post 5 Lazy weekend....Lily and Sunsets...

Haven't really had much opportunity of getting the camera out this weekend, however caught a few good shots of my daughter at home and whilst at ''Louie and Issey's'' Birthday at Ash End Farm in Middleton. It was a sunny afternoon and on the way home thought it might be a good eveing for a sunset.
Half an hour before sunset I ducked out with the dog, camera and tripod.
I now appreciate how quick the light and colours change at that time, as just when I would have got the best pics, passers by with dogs stopped for 'a chat'!!! Grrrr!!! Missed some of the best ones!!!!

As always any comments welcome..... Anyone need any photos taking.... No charge....

Incoming kisses....

Shake that thing.....

I'm that hungry I could eat a net!!!

Someone give me a hand over here....

Sunset behind Lichfield Cemetry

Sun setting behind Lichfield Cemetry

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