Sunday 27 February 2011

Post 4 - Walking the dogs Feat. Mylo & Chester

This weekend the wife was away in London so have been babysitting all weekend. Opportunities for getting the camera out were few and far between.

I have bought a bird feeder to see what photos I can get in my own backgarden. See future posts....hopefully!!

On Sunday I went for a long walk through the Chase with a mate and his dog, my daughter and my dog. We were spotting for future shots on our next mountain biking photo shoot. But having the pushchair meant we couldn't venture far from the paths. I think mountain bike / sports photography is my favourite style i've tried so far.

I've posted a few pics below of the ''kids'' out on todays expedition....

As always any comments welcome.

Lily with a bit of post production on her eyes...

Introducing Mylo Newman....

Lily watching the dogs running around....

Get set go....

Chester playing fetch...

Chester will do anything for what he thinks is a biscuit...Mylo needs more proof before he sits!!!

What's slowing me down?? Maybe the ton of mud you carry when it is wet Mylo!!!

Ghostly Mylo...

Mr floppy ears!!!

How cold is the floor Mylo???

"When i'm big I wanna be as fast as Chester"

Got a second wind..Coming through...

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