Wednesday 25 May 2011

Post 11 Weekend in Devon

Post 11 Weekend in Devon

We have just spent a long weekend down in Devon with my wife's Sister, her partner Gaz and her partner's daughter Chloe.

I was asked by my Mum whilst down there to take a photo of a sunset with our family name in the sand. I think a few look quite good. My mum is looking for a print to go in the entrance of the Log Cabin we own in Devon.

I have put a few landscape pics up along with some of Chloe and Lily.

As always let me know your thoughts...

Lily Grace xxx

Chloe ''surf dude''...

Chloe on the body board...
Bantham Beach RNLI with view of Burgh Island and Bigbury on Sea

Bantham Beach from opposite direction ...

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