Friday 11 February 2011

My First Blog Post!! - Learning how to use my new camera.....

My name is Elliot Sampson and I live in Lichfield, Staffs in the UK.
I have recently become very interested in photography after buying my first DSLR camera, and thought a blog would be a great opportunity of showing some example of my best pics.
I am only a begginer and welcome and comments.
My first pictures are from last weekend where my wife and I took our daughter (Lily) and dog (Chester) to our log cabin in Devon.
On the Saturday we woke to gale force winds and decended to Bantham Beach to discover 10 or so people kite surfing. This gave me a great opportunity to try out my new telephoto lens for my Canon 500D EOS DLSR camera.

These guys were getting some amazing air!!

How they didn't get tangled up with each other still amazes me!!! 

 Hoping to catch the dog jumping up at my wife but actually snapped him dissapearing into a deep puddle in the sand!!! Took me 5 minutes to stop laughing!!!

Chester enjoyed the beach time more than anyone!!! 

Learning to walk on the sand!!!

A view of Thurstone Beach.

Then the windsurfers arrived!!!

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