Tuesday 22 February 2011

Post 3 - Trip to Paignton Zoo..Devon

Another weekend down in Devon and a trip to Paignton Zoo was on the cards.
I don't know who was more exited Sair, Lily or Myself.
Although most of our stay it was overcast and wet, the weather was surprisingly good on Saturday so off we went, wife baby and camera ready!!

Got some good pics. Let me know your thoughts.

Im looking forward to doing some photography courses as I struggled with light and finding a good shot. Most animals were behind glass or nets/cages....Most cases for safety of course....But made the picture taking challenging...

Pair of baboons having a snooze....

Emu with bad hair day.....


Red Pandas....ah......

 One monkey about to make the other one Grumpy!!!

Rare picture of the near extint ''grumpy monkey lily''....

Couple other nice shots taken on Sunday whilst on a walk along the coastal path between Thurlstone and Hope Cove.

View from Thursltone Sands with tide out.

Picnic at the top of the cliffs.... 

View of Thurlstone Beach....

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