Sunday 13 February 2011

Post 2. Cannock Chase with Rich Newman...Still Learning...

I need to find a style of photography!!!

With so many different types of photography out there I want to try out as many as possible to see what I like the most!! So today I talked Rich Newman a good friend of mine to take his mountain bike into Cannock Chase for some ego boosting photography...Not that he needed any convincing!!! Shame the weather was damp and overcast however we found a suitable downhill with a jump not far from the car park!! I tried many different typs of shot, from panning to zoom burst, using both my standard lens and my telephoto lens...Ten runs later I had bagged loads of good shots. I really enjoyed this outing and look forward to another go. Maybe i'll even take my own bike so we can venture further from the car park!

Maybe mountain biking / sports photography could be the way forward. 

I think some of these shots have turned out really always comments welcome... is registered but until I decide which direction i'm taking it, will just forward to this blog....


More air...

Even more...

View from the bottom of the hill...

Zoom burst effect...

Picking up speed...

Learning panning skills...

More panning...

How fast?...

One dirty bike...

One dirty bike and rider!!!...

I need to practice so if anyone wants to borrow me for free, to photo anything, give me a shout....

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